Category: Lifestyle

My thoughts on Groupon

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Groupon is a “deal of the day” type consumer service that has blown up in recent years. They can offer anywhere from 30-70% off of retail goods foods and services, at largely a cost to the companies that use it to promote awareness (basically means companies don’t generally make very much money by putting their stuff on Groupon).

Now for me, being such a heavy consumer, I see a clear night and day difference between really using it for a deal, or using it for “a deal” that leaves a bitter taste in your mouth.

First things first, you can sign up for Groupon HERE. That link is an affiliate link that gives me Groupon Bucks at no cost to you, but if you don’t want to help me out, no worries. You can go to directly as well.

How to use Groupon WELL (according to me):

  1. Use promo code “FIRST” for a 25% off your first groupon. No matter how you cut it, this is hard to beat.
  2. THERE IS ALWAYS a 20% off promo code floating around. I never buy a single Groupon without finding this code, and you shouldn’t either (unless you are desperate).
  3. It is great to use this site for food. It is TERRIBLE to use this site for products. I have found nothing but low quality products, at a “OMFG its 70% discounted” only to find that the item sucks, and that I could have found a better quality, lower priced item elsewhere (at retail price). Seriously, buying anything here that’s actually good, is the same thing as finding a needle in a haystack- the effort is just not worth it.
  4. “Buy With Friends.” This is a random promotion available sometimes for events and things you try to purchase. You and your friends get a partial refund if three of the same item is purchased. This requires diligence, as you have to properly buy them in order, with the promotion active. If you did any of the steps wrong, Groupon will fight you tooth and nail to not pay you out. If this happens, don’t worry I’ve been there- complain to the BBB right HERE. Seriously, they are a godsend and will take care of you, the consumer.
  5. Vacation type deals are only good if you are lazy, don’t want to plan or think at all, and just want to stay enclosed in some area for an entire trip. If you like to explore, eat local cuisines, be adventurous and play, then these deals are not for you. If you are looking for an expensive version of a “spa day” but not at home, this is perfect for you.

Good luck and stay thrifty!

UpOut, the Subscription Based Events Company

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As we get older, we start to crave nights out that isn’t just getting drunk and sloshed in a bar or club, or staying in to watch Netflix and play video games. When you are brand new to planning a night out, the process can seem daunting because you have NO IDEA what is out there. Introducing UpOut: For $20 a month, you get a single event token, that you can either redeem for a night out, or save and roll it over to the next month. You can also use it to redeem movie tickets (I would definitely not recommend you do this though).

Upout is available in San Francisco, Seattle, Los Angeles, New York City, Chicago, and Washington DC. Just check out some of the events I’ve attended recently thanks to this subscription:

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Adulting is all about making your $1 have the power of $2, or in this case, doubling and tripling up your $20. If this still doesn’t convince you of the value of this site, I have one more thing to share with you: You can actually try it for FREE! That’s right, you can attend one UpOut event for free as a first timer, and as long as you cancel your subscription afterwards, you pay absolutely nothing. Now for me.. you can figure out that I never cancelled, because I love the ability to not have to spend hours searching for a great night out. Sign up for UpOut here to attend your first free event by clicking THIS LINK.

So until next time, maybe catch you at a future event?
