How to write a *Useful* Review on Amazon

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Reviews both positive and negative are directly responsible for the success of a business or product. Think about the people who use Yelp to decide where to eat, or all of the people in your life that asks for help in buying specific items. Among all of the “help” we ask for, often times there is a sea of useless and unhelpful reviews that we have to filter through, to find something that helps us with what we are looking for. Overly positive reviews are frequently seen with distrust, and overly negative reviews seem to just focus on putting unrelated topics put on blast. I will attempt to layout a structure and some tips to follow, so that your reviews will be seen as a useful one, not a useless one.

Review Structure and Guideline
1. Product Name + “Review”. Introduction to the product.
-Sellers often sell several items, and all of the reviews will be bunched together. To make yours more relevant and helpful, describe exactly what you bought, so that people wanting to buy the same item can zoom in on your review. Your introduction to the product can be pulled from the product page. I would include the date you bought the item, and how long you used it before writing this review. Put down the star rating/5 here in this section too, for example: “As of 8/23/16 this product has 3.5 stars out of 5”

2. Key points and their discussion
-highlight what you believe are the key points of this product. Discuss how the packaging looks, if the product matches the pictures and description. Talk about the product specs and if they match the product listing. Use individual paragraphs per key point.

3. Reference other people’s reviews and complaints
-Doing a paragraph of this shows that you are an informed consumer and actually did research before you bought, so your review will look more credible. I would recommend you comment on other people’s complaints, because I only glance through the 5 star and 1 star reviews myself.

4. Discuss shipping and packaging, returns.
-If you managed to get a defective item, the most important thing is ease of return. People will want to know if items can be returned hassle free, because if its not FBA, chances are its going to be extremely annoying. How well is the package prepared? Did shipping come in the expected delivery window?

5. Conclusion
-Summarize your key points on why this is or is not worth a purchase.

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