Free Products for Reviews- AMZ Review Trader

Whenever I shop on Amazon, the first thing I do when product hunting is hitting the search bar to narrow down my choices. Then I immediately scroll right down to the bottom to where the reviews is. You can read my post on how to dissect Amazon reviews HERE. The most interesting thing is, often times I see something like this (highlighted in green):


FREE? DISCOUNTED? Of course I’d hop on that! A few google searches later I started piecing together this puzzle, and I find AMZ Review Trader. There was a large list of options, but this was the first one that consistently worked for me. So how does it work?

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The success of an Amazon product is weighted heavily on its reviews, so sometimes when sellers create brand new product listings with no reviews, they will give away their products in hope that they get a strong informative review. That’s where YOU come in.

Here are the steps you need to do in order to join in on this venture:

  1. Getting an Amazon Prime account is VERY HELPFUL, because a lot of products are qualified for prime shipping AKA free 2 day shipping. This step isn’t necessary, but you will definitely have a happier time if you do.
  2. Start learning and practicing how to write Amazon reviews. I wrote a post right HERE to give tips and suggestions. Sellers can view your previous reviews and decide whether to approve or deny your request for free goodies, so you want your reviews to look like you know exactly what you are doing!
  3. Sign up for an account on AMZ Review Trader, and make sure to verify your ID.
  4. Log in and click on “Review Requests” in the menu bar at the top. In the blue bar at the top you will see how many product requests you are allotted, how many codes (discounts) you can claim at the same time, how many confirmed reviews you have, and your review rating (more words= better rating).reviewrequest.png
  5. Now click “Go Shopping”, so we can start browsing through all of the stuff that’s available.goshopping
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  7. Request everything you want, then wait for either an approval, or a rejection from the seller (which you can see in “Review Requests” from step 3.
  8. Once you get the approval, you can get straight to the Amazon product page by clicking on the promotion code. Make sure to add the item to your cart and finalize the order!amzbuy.png
  9. As you can see, in the final pages of buying, all you have to do is enter in the promotional code you received, and you now have a free (or discounted) item being sent to you. Good luck and Good reviews!
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